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Psychotherapy has taught me if you establish the right conditions, surprising things happen. Understandings and insights suddenly appear, and unexpected transformations occur. Patients see themselves in new ways and experience themselves and the world differently. Their lives change.
A good psychotherapy also facilitates the therapist discovering things that were previously hidden, in themselves as well as in the patient. The therapy changes the therapist.
I have been writing this blog for sometime and it has helped me to think about what it means to be a psychotherapist, and a psychotherapy patient.
I’ve chosen rock and roll music as the metaphor for exploring psychotherapy because it has played an important part of my life, and is a medium which is both alive and evocative. It allows plenty of opportunity to feel and to think.
In 1968, Mia Farrow’s sister, Prudence, joined the Beatles in a meditation retreat at Rishikesh with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Prudence became overwhelmed by the experience and was unable to leave her room. John and George coaxed her back into the world. It must have been a harrowing time for all but it led to a touching song about encouraging a friend to see the beauty in herself and the world. I’m going to use it as the theme song for my blog.
The blog is as much for me as for anyone who reads it. I hope you enjoy it.
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